A virtual machine to explore your own trees

Download the Lifemap-server Virtual Machine now (3.6 Go)

Lifemap-server Virtual Machine was created in order for users to be able to explore their own trees, and not only the precomputed Tree(s) of Life available on the home page. To start using Lifemap-server, simply follow the instructions below.

Lifemap-server runs on all plateforms (OS,linux,Windows). It only requires a (free) virtualization program to be installed. I recommend using Virtualbox.

Lifemap-server will run locally on your computer. To be able to share the tree that you created, you will have to put this virtual machine on a public server of your own.

  1. Download and install Virtualbox: https://www.virtualbox.org/
  2. Download the Lifemap-server virtual machine by clicking on the large button on the left.
  3. Once done, launch the Virtual Machine with Virtualbox by double-clicking the file you just downloaded.
  4. When the virtual machine is running, open your favorite web browser (Chrome or Firefox) and simply type: localhost:5580 in the url bar.
  5. That's it! You will see a web page where you can upload a tree file (Newick) and explore the uploaded tree.
Note that you can change the memory and the number of CPUs that you attribute to the virtual machine. If you want to explore trees with million of leaves, you may consider changing these values.